Every so often, good surprises surprise you. That is not a typo.
On a hot, busy Saturday...on a busy road...a man in a motorized wheelchair tipped over. For a minute, he seemed to hang in the air, but then, he landed with a thud and tumbled out of his transport.
That was when a remarkable thing happened.
Brake lights.
People pulling over, from two or three directions. People blocking traffic to keep the man safe. People jumping out of cars and running to the man.
By my count, there were six or seven folks who came running. A red Kia. A dark VW Tuerig (apologies for the spelling). Two women and the rest men.
Everyone was gentle and pleasant - working to steady the fellow. Checking to make sure he wasn't hurt. Checking to make sure his ride still worked. Offering a ride if he wanted one. Getting him across the street.
And then as quickly as they were there, they all got into their cars and went.
No fuss...no bother...just quickly and quietly doing a good thing when there were other options.
Whatever they all set out to do for the day, they all did something more important.
They didn't just help one individual.
They restored the faith of a great many others.
Not bad for a hot Saturday.
I could do with more of those....