Thursday, October 2, 2008

lawn sign diplomacy

The battle of the lawn signs continues...
One neighbour gets a sign for a party...a nearby neighbour gets a bigger one....or a pair...then somebody else a few doors down gets into the fray. Where do lawn signs go to die after the voting is done?

There's a house I drive by that seems to have it right: a sign from every party...every election. It's quite civil. I wonder what the volunteers and scrutineers think about it. The first sign planter must feel a little thrill when the sign goes into the lawn. The second sign plunker to the post must think it's either the other domestic partner or they've won a convert. What happens when the third one gets there and sees the first two? Maybe Arnold Ziffel lives there and just called the offices.

This morning, the tricolour sign armada stood proudly...Conservative (Reform Lite)...Liberal...NDP. Maybe the Greens and the Liberterians are slow getting out....I do miss the they were a party.

A few of us in the office know each other well enough to talk about how we vote (we're not competitive about how we poll...and we're all shrewd enough to be a bit cynical about all of the options we have). One of my favourite Conservatives (I have a large collection of Conservative friends...not so many of the Reform stripe) who is clever enough to realize that the lunatics currently running the blue asylum are not as progressive as those the overthrew offered an intriguing thought today: what if a good bunch of us vote Green? His logic was this: we're going to get the same collection of dullards we have now so if we all vote Green, it will send a message that the environment is a serious concern for Canadians.

In essence, the current crew of politicians simply want a sustainable gig (that's almost environmental) so if they see we're voting Green, odds are good they'll take up that cause. I thought that was a brilliant observation. We were voting Green to help them get their deposits back and keep them coming out to play. They seem sane and polite. We want to encourage that and clean fuel...
Plus, my friend Dan the Libertarian isn't running this time. I'd want him to get his deposit back as well....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gin:
I voted Green last year to send the messag of environmental importance. It is a shame that those in the running are too busy bashing each other than addressing, planning and speaking to the real issues we face in Canada. May the Green party win! Farmers rock!
Kelly L.